On June 5, North America got to witness a rare sight: the transit of Venus across the face of the sun. This alignment of Venus falling between the earth and the sun shows up as a small dot traveling across the face of the sun. This astronomical occurrence won't happen again until 2117.
My husband Frank was out with our local astronomy club and was able to capture the image above using his digital camera and a high-powered telescope. He texted me several times that day to tell me to look outside at sun down so I could see it. Unfortunately, I was on the East Coast, where giant storm clouds covered the sky most of the day. I didn't get to see it for myself. I was glad that he and Alex got a chance to witness this once-in-a-lifetime event. It looked like a lovely sight.
"Venus favors the bold."
Photo Credit: Frank Schellenberg, used with permission. All Rights Reserved.